Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ice + Butt = Big Bruises!

December 19, 2009 marks the day I FINALLY made it to the ConAgra Ice Skating rink. Luckily I was able to bring a good group of friends with me to witness my awesome skating skills, and let me tell you, they were amazed. Ok, that's a lie. They were astounded... at the grace I have when I fall.
We got to the skating rink around 5:30 and rented our skates. As you can see here, my lovely assistant Steve is a pro at lacing skates.

The ConAgra rink is pretty small, and a little bumpy, and there are a TON of little kids, but it was really a lot of fun. Although I almost took out a few kids, they were fun to watch, especially the little ones skating around with cones. Proof however that the cones don't always prevent falls, my friend Charles captured this picture of a little girl starting to fall backwards. Sad!... but funny!

The highlight of the evening was racing (and beating) Steve around the rink. As you can see from the video, I am so fast that even though I fell twice, I still beat him. (Make sure you have your audio turned on when you watch it.)

Pretty awesome huh. I believe the crash at the end to be the source of the gigantic bruise I sported on my butt for about 2 weeks!
In the end, bruises and all, a great time was had by all and I officially checked #18 off the list!


  1. I don't recall getting a tip for my pro-lace tying skillz!

    I can't get enough of the video. I want to add your yelp at the end to my ringer tones...

  2. I just found your blog - you have some really fun and unusual things on there! When's your birthday...?

    I actually published a list earlier this week of where I'd like to get to by age 30, but I have three years to go ;) ( if you're interested!)

    Nice to meet you!


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