Wednesday, September 23, 2009

29 Things to leave in my 20's

In the spirit of making lists, and thanks to the idea from Debbie at On the Refrigerator Door, I have made a list of things I want to declutter from my life and leave behind in my 20's when I turn 30. Some of these items are wishful thinking but some are things I really hope, and will strive to, part with. (I will let you be the judge of which one is which!)
At any rate, these are definitely things I can live without when I hit my 30's!

  1. Allergies
  2. Fake "Friends"
  3. What if's
  4. Doing it my way (verses God's way)
  5. Ironing
  6. Bad relationship choices
  7. Shoes that hurt my feet
  8. Migraines
  9. Holey underwear
  10. Lint attracting dress pants
  11. Procrastination
  12. Split ends
  13. Door dings
  14. Negative influences
  15. Know it all's
  16. Bad hair days
  17. Itchy sweaters
  18. Odd socks
  19. Sinus Infections
  20. Dust Bunnies
  21. Dropped calls
  22. Junk mail
  23. Cases of the Mondays
  24. Impulse buys
  25. Excuses
  26. Old ghosts
  27. Unwanted belly fat
  28. Regrets
  29. Ramen Noodles
And just as a side note, I was telling my mom about this list last night and the first thing she said was "Bad Relationship Choices". Thanks mom, already on the list!


  1. My list looked pretty similar at 29 but I am still carrying some 20's clutter well into my 30's!! I did get rid of #2, #6, #7, #12, #14, #15, #25 & #26 - the others I are still a work in progress!!!

  2. Stopping by from sits:) This is a great list:) I love the "unwanted belly fat".. that sounds like it's from a commercial for a diet pill:)

    I'm having a Blog for a Cure Blog Party next week on hope you'll join in!

  3. Love your list!! I'm so glad you did one too!

  4. Oh, and on your other list, I love #22. I've always wanted to do that one too.

  5. when do you turn 30? I turn 30, Feb. 8th of 2010. I can't believe it!

    You have a really cute blog! I found you via Too Many Heartbeats...


  6. Wow I agree....great list....I want to leave all those things too.

    Love your blog and have a great day
    Laura dropping in from SITS

  7. Amen girl, amen to all of those!

  8. Mandy told me to check you out! I like your lists. However I feel like a total slacker now. I turn 30 in two weeks and I don't have a list of things to leave in my 20's. Maybe I can make one tonight?!

    Scratchy sweaters are the worst. I gave them up last year. I also gave up ramen noodles the minute I left college. Bleck. Can't stand them anymore.

    Anyway, I'll follow you. I want to see how you come on your lists!

  9. Great list had other things to say but it was too long. Happy wednesday. Stopping by from sits:)

  10. Hi, stopping by from SITS!
    Great list!! Good luck getting it checked off ;)

    Come by and check out my GIVEAWAY going on!!

    Nana's Box

  11. I am 29 too and my list looks very similar! Except for the bad relationship choices....Luckily I fixed that problem 7 years ago.

    Stopping by from SITS to say hello.

  12. What a cute idea! And a great list. I wish I would have thought of that!

    30 is great! Welcome! ;D

    Stopping by from SITS!

  13. Great List...especially number 2 and 4!

  14. Hi, I'm stopping by from SITS. I just wanted to share a bit of comment love! I really like your list, especially #4. What a neat idea! Good luck in checking each item off.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    Teresa <><

  15. Great list! Your 30s will be awesome trust me :)

    Today my blog is all about charities! Please stop by and share your favorite charity and give it some exposure :)

    Happy Tuesday from a SITS friend

  16. Great list! Found your blog while figuring out what to put on my Before 30 list. Today's my 28th birthday.

    It goes by so fast! Happy Wednesday!


  17. LOL!!!! I panicked! I thought omg! I didn't just post on my blog! How'd that get there?! LOL That's awesome! I've NEVER ever met another Sonja!! :-D

  18. What a great list! Looks do-able =D Love your blog its adorable!

    Stopping by from SITs

  19. Great list. Good luck with it.

    Stopping by from SITS.

  20. Great list!

    Enjoy your last year of your 20's! =)

    And thanks for stopping by on my SITS day!!

  21. i'm with you on the 29 things you can live without!! new to your blog and i really enjoy it! :)
